Revisiting Angular and Material Theming | Implementing Light-Dark Mode

Learn how to create a light-dark mode switch in Angular with Material Theming. This guide walks you through designing a custom theme, generating theme files, and seamlessly integrating them into your project.

Understanding the nuances of C# Collections

This article is based on .NET 9 and C# 13. I aim to cover the behaviors of common collections within the `System.Collections.Generic` namespace.

Angular 19 | Diagnostic for unused standalone imports

Angular v19 introduces a new diagnostic tool that reports cases where a declaration is present in the imports array but isn't being used anywhere in the application.

Notes on NPS

This is supposed to be a beginner's guide to investing in NPS.

Angular 16 - What you need to know

Yesterday Angular team released version 16 of their framework and they've termed it as the biggest release since its inception. Is it? Let's see.

Thoughts on -10x Engineer

My thoughts on the blog post 'How to be a -10x engineer', which was quite popular in Hacker News.

Deploying a nodejs app in and some struggles

This is a brief writeup about deploying a simple nodejs application in While doing it I had to overcome few technical difficulties and if you can avoid it, it may help you to save some time.

A failed app idea and some new learnings

If we could generate transcript files offline, how can we integrate it with audio files. I was thinking about something similar to external subtitle files used in video players. Came to know that it is possible with the help of TextTracks and WebVTT format. I did a small POC and it went well.

Run Stable Diffusion in Azure

Hardware requirement are pretty challenging for most of the machine learning needs, stable diffusion is no different. I've an Azure subscription can I make use of that?

പ്രഭാത നടത്തം

A short story

What's new in Angular? -  Standalone components

Last week Angular team released v15 of the framework which is a major release with a lot of new features. Among that, standalone components are out of developer preview and is stable now. It is also accompanied by a set of new standalone APIs to enhance the development.

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of January 2022

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of January 2022

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of January 2022

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of December 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of December 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of December 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of December 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of November 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of November 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of November 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of November 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the fifth week of October 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the fourth week of October 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of October 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of October 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of October 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of September 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of September 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of September 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of September 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of August 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of August 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of August 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of August 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of July 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the fourth week of July 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of July 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of July 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of July 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of June 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of June 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of June 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of June 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of May 2021

Messaging between Service Worker and Angular component

Most of the time service worker logic and application logic work in isolation, but there will be cases where we need to do pass messages between them. In this post we’ll see how we can do this in an angular application.

What did I learn this week (2021) - 21

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the fourth week of May 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of May 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of May 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of May 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of April 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of April 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of April 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of April 2021


This is not a feel bad list, but just to remind myself that whatever happens life must go on.

What did I learn this week (2021) - 13

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of March 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of March 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of March 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of March 2021

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Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of February 2021

How to implement CQRS with MediatR - Part 2

This post is about implementing mediator pattern in a dotnet WebAPI using MediatR library.

How to implement CQRS with MediatR - Part 1

This post is about implementing mediator pattern in a dotnet console application using MediatR library.

What did I learn this week (2021) - 08

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of February 2021

Using Casbin for authorization in dotnet

Casbin is a powerful and efficient open-source access control library. It provides support for enforcing authorization based on various access control models. Here I'll be sharing my thoughts on Casbin.NET, an authorization library for dotnet.

What did I learn this week (2021) - 07

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the second week of February 2021

What did I learn this week (2021) - 06

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of February 2021

What did I learn this week 2021 - 05

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the final week of January 2021

What did I learn this week (2021) - 04

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the fourth week of January 2021

What did I learn this week (2021) - 03

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the third week of January 2021

What did I learn this week (2021) - 02

Weekly summarisation and review of things I've learned in the second week of January 2021

Understanding Google Outages on December 14, 2020

An overview of two major outages happened on 14th December, 2020. This is not an authoritative analysis but can be considered as notes regarding the aforesaid incidents.

What did I learn this week (2021) - 01

Weekly summarization and review of things I've learned in the first week of January 2021

File Upload - With Angular and Dotnet Core Web API

Minimal implementation of file upload using Angular and dotnet core web API.

Understanding Git - Merge, Rebase & Bisect

In any git workflow, branching and merging code is unavoidable. In this post we are having a not-so deeper look at the three important git commands viz. git-merge, git-rebase and git-bisect.

Generating Code Coverage Reports in Dotnet Core

Unlike other application frameworks .NET Core do not provide code coverage reports out of the box. Here I’ll be using a different approach which actually suited my web application. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Embedding Power BI in Angular — Part 2

Power BI can be embedded for the users of your organization who have access to it. This requires the users to sign-in to their Power BI account to view their content, which are the reports they own or the ones that have been shared with them. This is the second part of the two-part article series.

Embedding Power BI in Angular — Part 1

Power BI is a powerful tool which helps us to create quick and interactive insights from wide range of data sources. Here we’ll be discussing about Power BI service which is a SaaS, and how to embed Power BI Dashboards, Reports and Tiles in web applications.